The Work of the Law is Done Galatians, MessagesBy Steve RockOctober 22, 2017Leave a commentGalatians 3:15-26
Does God’s Law Justify? Galatians, MessagesBy Steve RockOctober 15, 2017Leave a commentGalatians 3:10-14
How Was Abraham Justified? Galatians, MessagesBy Steve RockOctober 8, 2017Leave a commentGalatians 3:6-9
How Did You Get the Holy Spirit? Galatians, MessagesBy Steve RockOctober 1, 2017Leave a commentGalatians 3:1-5
Don’t Rebuild the Law Galatians, MessagesBy Steve RockSeptember 24, 2017Leave a commentGalatians 2:15-21
Keep in Step With the Gospel Galatians, MessagesBy Steve RockSeptember 17, 2017Leave a commentGalatians 2:11-14
Preserve the Truth of the Gospel Galatians, MessagesBy Steve RockSeptember 10, 2017Leave a commentGalatians 2:1-10
No Worldly Explanation Galatians, MessagesBy Steve RockSeptember 3, 2017Leave a commentGalatians 1:11-24
What Makes God Really Mad Galatians, MessagesBy Steve RockAugust 27, 2017Leave a commentGalatians 1:6-10